At Learning Solutions, we understand that challenges with academic skills, listening and communication are often a symptom of an underpinning delay in sensory and motor development. Your child may have a label such as Dyslexia, Autism, Dyspraxia, ADHD or others. Whilst these labels are very important in order to access funding and support through school and other services, they do not help you to understand the individual sensory and developmental challenges that your child is experiencing. This is because most labels are based on a behavioural or cognitive diagnosis rather than the underlying sensory issues. These sensory and developmental areas are often a cause of the behaviour or learning challenge.
In fact the labels themselves represent a wide spectrum of function and challenges which can have multiple causal factors and often overlap. Some of these are sensory-based, others developmental, and many other areas including genetics, diet and attention can be involved.
As an example, someone with Dyslexia may well have phonological processing problems that have areas of auditory processing as the root issue. However, some people with Dyslexia have more challenges in areas of visual or vestibular processing. These different areas can all lead to the same higher level challenges with literacy or speed of processing. If we can understand any sensory and developmental issues, we can better personalise a programme for your own child's specific strengths and weaknesses. Improving fundamental areas of sensory processing and development allow your child to more easily listen, learn, pay attention, leading to measurable benefits for school and exam results.
Many parents, following the assessment process, comment that they have never previously understood why their child is currently experiencing difficulties; so many assessments only measure and report on the symptoms such as handwriting or reading ability.
Following an assessment, we can offer individually tailored remediation programmes combining movement and sound based programmes. There are a wide range of tools to help developmental processes, timing and the processing of sensory information. These include:
The Listening Program
The Movement Program
The Learning Breakthrough Program
Brain Gym
Bi-lateral integration programmes
Reflex integration work
Our aim is to develop a specific programme for your child using individual tools that are appropriate and easy to use at home. We have many years of experience of working with developmental programmes and you can be sure that we will only recommend those that are most suitable for your child's development.
All these programmes can be followed at home, reducing the cost when compared with regular weekly or monthly visits to our offices. We will develop an appropriate contact schedule to support your child through their individual programme and adjust this as necessary.
Once the fundamental skills for learning and development improve, then benefits can be seen in learning, language, balance, sports, writing, sleep, mood and a host of other areas.
Take a look at the main home-based programmes below: