"I failed in some subjects in my exams but my friend passed in all. Now he is an engineer at Microsoft and I am the owner"
- Bill Gates -

Dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty which affects up to 10% of the UK population according to the British Dyslexia Association. It is diagnosed through a variety of educational and cognitive assessments. Whilst it is very important to be able to understand these areas, this does not offer information about the underlying sensory processing, timing or other developmental challenges that can underpin the cognitive and educational difficulties.
At Learning Solutions, we have been working with children with Dyslexia since 1996 and find that a wide spectrum of sensory processing difficulties can be seen. These include challenges with:-
Auditory processing, including listening in background noise, auditory attention and others
Visual processing, including poor eye tracking, vergence and other skills
Timing and rhythm, beat competency
Sequencing ability which impacts upon working memory, organisation and listening skills
Vestibular function, balance, co-ordination, body awareness and movement
As these are fundamental to the strong processing of sensory information and integration. Working at this more fundamental level can have a real impact upon learning, reading, spelling and memory skills for anyone with Dyslexia.
There is a large amount of research showing that children with Dyslexia have problems in these areas and also that these underpinning skills can be developed.
In 2009 Sir Jim Rose’s Report on ‘Identifying and Teaching Children and Young People with Dyslexia and Literacy Difficulties’ also highlighted these areas.
Of course, as with anyone, Dyslexia brings with it a profile of certain strengths and weaknesses. We can work with you to maintain strengths and build upon any weaknesses identified in areas of sensory processing.
For example, The Listening Program can really improve phonological awareness, spatial awareness and timing that are so important for listening, concentration and hearing the different speech sounds. The Movement Program builds beat competency, reading, movement and the inhibition of primitive reflexes.
You may already know which particular areas need boosting for you or your child. If so, take a look below and you can begin today. If you would like to chat in more detail, taking up our offer of a free consultation, could be a really important first step.